Agnew & Co.

City of Rossland Heritage Register Plaque

City of Rossland Heritage Register Plaque


Historical Name: Agnew & Co.
Common Name: Rossland Inn
Address: 2253 Washington Street
Date of Construction: 1900

Photo courtesy of Alistair Fraser

Photo courtesy of Alistair Fraser

On the west side of Washington Street between second and third avenue, the Agnew & Company building is a large two-storey building. The lot was originally owned by the Nelson and Fort Sheppard Railway, but the plot of land the building is on was then bought by George and Mary Ann Agnew in 1900. From 1900 to 1936, Agnew & Co. was a successful grocer, dry goods, and mercantile store. Originally run by George Agnew himself, it was bought from him by his son-in-law, Oswald Bisson, in the early 1920s. The Agnew & Co. store closed officially in 1939, and part of the original structure was torn down. Charlie Daily soon bought the building from Bisson and ran a supply store through it. Daily closed his store sometime in the decades after and sold the store to the Adams brothers, who also ran a supply store until the 1960s.

At some point following that last supply store, the building was run as an apartment block. Currently, the building is the Rossland Inn with four, self-contained apartments.


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