Bodega Hotel

Historical Name: Bodega Hotel

Physical Address: 2054 Washington Street

Date(s) of Construction: 1896 - 1897

Major Renovations: 2013 restoration project of the building’s facade with an authentic reproduction of original details along with new paint on trim and walls. Structural renovations in 2019-2020.

City of Rossland Heritage Plaque

City of Rossland Heritage Plaque


Collection of the RMDC: The Rossland Light Opera Players building, 1997.

2283.0032: Rear view of the Rossland Light Opera Players building, originally the Bodega Hotel, circa 1985.

The Bodega Hotel represents common mining settlement architecture of the time, with a false front and peaked roof. The western-style building represents a typical establishment of the boom days in Rossland. The Bodega Hotel is situated on one of the blocks with the densest amount of original buildings in Rossland, due to the fires of 1927 and 1929. The building operated as a hotel and saloon until 1911 when businessman George Green opened an ice cream parlour inside. After brief ownership by several other businesses as well as the Fraternal Order of the Eagles, the building is now the home of the Rossland Light Opera Players as of 1983, which are believed to be the oldest musical theatre company in BC, having been founded in 1951.

2315.0057: Washington Street in Rossland, circa 1930

2315.0057: Washington Street in Rossland, circa 1930.


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