Glazan Block

2282.0019: B.C. Telephone Company Office & Exchange building, circa 1910.

2282.0019: B.C. Telephone Company Office & Exchange building, circa 1910.

City of Rossland Heritage Plaque

City of Rossland Heritage Plaque

Historical Name: Glazan Block 

Common Name: Seniors Hall 

Address: 1916 First Avenue 

Date of Construction: 1902


The Glazan Block is a flat-roofed structure situated on a level lot.  Originally, there was a wooden-frame building built on the same lot in 1896. In 1902, following one of the large fires in Rossland, the city introduced a new bylaw that required all new construction to be made of brick. This block was one of the first to meet this bylaw. The façade features of this building include a pediment that extends from a parapet on the front of the flat roof that is topped by globes at the corners, arched windows that are grouped in pairs and divided up by brick columns, and horizontal rows of bricks that are not all the same shade. It was built by Samuel Glazan, who owned the original building on the lot as well.

After being run as a furniture store, the B.C. Telephone Company bought the building in 1909 to be used as an office and exchange. They erected a sign on the upper portion of the façade that says “B.C. Telephone Company 1910”. The B.C. Telephone company remained in this building until 1956 when the new automatic equipment for telephone service was installed in Rossland. It was thereafter bought by the city to be used as a Seniors Centre.

In early 2017, the building underwent a restoration project that was funded by the Rossland Seniors Centre, the City of Rossland, and Heritage B.C. to remove the stucco exterior from the façade to reveal the original building and exposed brick. The brick was then restored to bring the building back to an earlier time.


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