Deck the Halls...
Our elves have been hard at work sprucing up the museum for the holidays!
From decking the halls in the Hunter Brothers Store to gingerbread cookies baking in the kitchen, the museum sure has a festive twist this winter.
While we’re unable to host everyone for our normal holiday events, the holiday spirit has still taken over the Museum. Our collections department has spent the weekend stringing garland, sprinkling snow, and helping our mannequin family with their Christmas presents. St. Nick has even stopped by for a relaxing Rossland vacation before his big night… see if you can spot him the next time you’re in!
Stop by the Vices bar to see what gifts have been left under the tree, or see what our resident love birds have gotten each other this holiday season. Our Hunter Brothers Store may not have a large window display, but the stockings have been hung with care, and there is a pile of holiday orders waiting to be picked up by the likes of Dr. Topliff. Artifacts on display include a cookbook from 1896, an 1876 French picture book, and a handmade horse donated by John Greene earlier this year.
Collections Assistant Brittany literally decking out the hall!

A small display on early toys in Rossland will be on location at the Rossland Public Library for the month of December. The display can be viewed during regular hours - Tuesdays 11-6 and Wednesdays-Saturday 11-4. We would like to thank the Rossland Public Library for their continued support of our outreach exhibit program!