April Rossland Recollections: The Olaus Story with Roly Worsfold

April Rossland Recollections with Roly Worsfold

April Rossland Recollections with Roly Worsfold

$5.00 - $20.00


Late November 1894, a Norwegian man arrived in Rossland. His arrival wasn't remarkable - miners were pouring into town in the thousands to seek their fortune in the gold mines of Red Mountain. But this man would go on to have a bigger impact on our town than perhaps any other. His name was Olaus Jeldness, and this particular miner came with skis.

More than a hundred years later, Rosslander Roly Worsfold had an idea. "I wouldn't be living and skiing in Rossland today if it weren't for Olaus," he told his buddies, "And a lot of other people wouldn't be either." Roly went on to lead the Spirit of Red Society, the group that raised funds to install the now-iconic statue of Olaus at the corner of Washington and Columbia.

Join us at the Museum at 6 pm on Thursday, April 10th, as Roly shares the full story - from Olaus' life and legacy to the journey of installing the statue, and even the connections he made in Norway along the way.

RSVP for this Speaker Series event - we'll be celebrating Olaus and the Spirit of Red with a tea party (featuring actual tea and coffee, of course!).


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