July Ask a Geologist
Join us for a morning of geological exploration!
We've invited our local geology experts to hang out with us outside of the Roger Terhune Geology Building, do some show-and-tell, help us understand our local landscape and its impact on local flora and fauna, and answer all of your questions!
Have you got mysterious rocks in your basement? Think you may have some of Rossland's famous gold-copper ore in your backyard? Bring all your mystery rocks to the Rossland Museum on July 24th for local mineral engineer Christopher Hatch to identify! Chris will also have his cool fluorescent mineral collection on display so don't miss the chance to check this out!
Keep an eye out for more geology events, including some hikes/walks later this summer/early Fall.
This event is free for members and included in regular admission for non-members.
Supported in part by the Columbia Basin Trust.
2020 Ask a Geologist with Jock Slater